
Kongthf urf: Motorcycle Class

This is largely the reason the whole setting exists. Didn't make sense as a race, or a full class, but as a hybrid and mutli class? yeah, that lets you get in soem sweet bike action, while adding something new to the mix.  By design there isn't really enough here for a fleshed out class. kind of like the spell plague stuff from forgotten realms, but i wanted it to be more then that. Because I found the idea of a transforming cyborg motorcycle too interesting to pass up.

It plays as a mix of striker and leader, but hopefully i can make it fit any role. Though a defender motorcycle might be a little, strange, it should be doable. 

Hybrid Motorcycle
Role: Rolling
Power source: Arcane
Key Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence, Constitution
Requirements: Must have the Living construct racial trait

Armour Proficiency
: Cloth, leather, Hide
Weapon Proficiency: one handed Simple Melee, one handed Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Katar
Implements: Wands, Rods, Orbs
Bonus to Defence: Fortitude or Reflex

Hit Points at first Level
: 7.5
Hit Points Per level: 3
Healing Surges per day: 4

Class Skills: Arcana, Insight, Nature, Religion, Perception, Athletics, Acrobatics

Class Feature
: Motorcycle form, Intelligent Ride

Motorcycle form:
At-will Minor
You take on the form of your motorcycle self, freeing you of your bipedal form.

While in motorcycle form your speed is doubles, you become a large creature, and are able to drive yourself, as well your strength is considered doubled for considering carrying capacity on all levels, in addition you are considered a quadruped. If knocked unconscious, you can still be driven, but with proper checks from the driver. In this form you only bale to use powers with the Beast and Motorcycle keyword. As well feats that effect the Druid's beast form can be used to enhance your motorcycle form.

When in Motorcycle form you can be ridden as a mount, using either you or the rider's initiative, whichever is higher. However, Both rider and mount get separate Standard and minor actions, taken in order of digression of the two.

When a power calls you to switch between modes, it is assume the rider is doing some sweet flip or something and will once again land on your back at the end of the attack, requiring a moderate DC Athletics or Acrobatics check if done of difficult terrain.

As well, while you still benefit from equipment in motorcycle form, you are considered unarmed for any attack made in motorcycle form
Intelligent ride
While in motorcycle form you and your rider get a +1/+2/+3 class bonus to defences against attacks on your turn.

Drive Bash Drive!
You roll up on some poor sucker and bash his lights out!
At-Will Arcane, Weapon, Motorcycle
Standard Melee Weapo
Effect: Move your speed, during the this movement You may assume humanoid form as a free action and make the follow attack.
Attack Charisma vs Reflex
Hit 1[w] damage
Special Resume Motorcycle form after the attack.

Totally Rad Wheelie!
You move your speed showing off some sweet road tricks, giving your partner time to get an attack in.

At-Will Arcane, Motorcycle
Standard Special

Effect: Move your Speed, your rider can make a Basic Attack as a free action. Your rider gets a bonus to damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Ramming Speed!
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Implement, Motorcycle
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Effect: move your speed ending your movement you make the following attack
Hit: Deal damage equal to your Charisma modifier, and then your rider applies your Constitution modifier as a power bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll on his or her next attack against the target. If your rider does not attack the target by the end of his or her next turn, the bonus is lost.

Encounter level 1

Your keen ability for doing donuts leaves the enemies dazed and impressed.
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Fire, Motorcycle
Standard Action Close Burst
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma Modifier Fire Damage. Target takes -2 to defences and is dased until the start of your next turn

Wheel Bash
Encounter ✦ Arcane,Implement, Motorcycle, force
Standard Action Close burst
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma Modifier force damage.
Effect: Target is pushed one square.

Level 1 Daily

Woah, just like in that movie!
You do that totally sweet thing you saw in that movie that one time.

Daily Standard
Keywords: Arcane, Weapon, Implement, Motorcycle, Force

Move your speed, during this movement turn to humanoid form and make the following attack
Range: Melee Target: One Adjacent enemy
Attack: Charisma vs AC
Hit: 1[w] + Charisma modifier
Miss: Half
Effect: Make the following attack
Range: 10 Target: One enemy not the target of the first attack
Special: This attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the first target.
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d8 +Charisma Modifier Force Damage
miss: Half
Effect: resume Motorcycle form and movement.

Shields On!
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Force, Motorcycle
Standard Action Range
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier force damage.
Effect: Your Rider and you gain a +1 power bonus to all defences until the end of the encounter.

Level 2 Utilities

Don't worry Michael Utility
You calmly talk your partner out of a bad situation

Encounter Arcane, Motorcycle
Free Action Personal
Your rider is hit with an effect a save can end.
Target: Triggering Rider
Effect: Target makes a saving throw with your constitution modifier as a bonus to the roll.

I carry a first aid kit!
Encounter ✦ Healing, Arcane
Standard Action Special
: You or Your rider
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge.

Level 3 Encounter Powers

Flaming Exhaust
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Fire, Motorcycle
Standard Action Close blast
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma Modifier Fire damage, and Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)

False Bravado
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon, Motorcycle
Standard Action Melee
Effect: Move half your speed. Any enemy who makes an opportunity attack at you, make the following attack
Attack: Charisma +2 vs AC
Hit: 1[W] weapon damage.
Special: Rider must take a level appropriate easy DC acrobatics or athletics check to say on if this attack is made more then once.

Level 5 Daily Powers

Revving for Justice!
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Motorcycle
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fort
Special: Move up to your speed and make the following attack.
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma modifier damage. You or one ally within 5 squares makes a saving throw.
Miss: You or one ally makes a saving throw against one effect that the target caused and that a save can end.

Hey, You're a funny guy! Hey look at the funny guy
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Motorcycle
Standard Action Melee
Special: you may move your speed and make this attack at anytime during your movement.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fort
Hit: Target is Grabbed (save ends)
While the target is grabbed, at the end of your turn if you moved more then the creature's speed it takes 1d6 damage for every 2 squares you moved beyond its speed.

Level 6 Utilities

I'm Made of Steel!
Daily ✦ Healing, Arcane, Motorcycle
Minor Action Close burst
Targets: You, your rider, and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets regain hit points equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier.

Grab on!
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Motorcycle
Minor Action Melee
Target: One adjacent Ally
Effect: Target moves with you for this turn, but it slowed until the end of their next turn.

Level 7 Encounters

Quit spraying lubricant!
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Implement, Motorcycle
Standard Action Area
burst 2 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone until the end of your next turn. Any enemy starting their turn or moving through the zone get hits with the following attack
Attack: Charisma vs reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma Modifier damage, and the target falls prone.
Miss: Target slides Intelligence modifier squares.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

Speed Ram!
Encounter ✦ Arcane, Force, Implement, Motorcycle
Standard Action Melee
Effect: Move your speed. You can move through enemy squares. If you do you and your rider gain a bonus to defence equal to your Constitution modifier.
Target: Each enemy whose square you moved through.
Attack: Charisma + 2 vs AC
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma Modifier force damage.
Miss: target is pushed 1 square.

Level 9 Daily Powers

Fling some hot oil!
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Fire, Motorcycle
Standard Action Ranged
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modifier Fire damage. Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: Each enemy adjacent to the primary target
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modifier Fire damage, and you push the target 3 squares.
Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, you can repeat the secondary attack (the primary target is the same each time).
Miss: Half damage, and no secondary attack.

Get away from her you bitch!
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Force, Motorcycle
Standard Action Close
burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier force damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: The targets are weakened (save ends).

Level 10 Utilities.

We're Too awesome for this!
Daily ✦ Arcane, Motorcycle
Minor Action Personal
You and your rider ignore ongoing damage, neither taking ongoing damage nor making saving throws to end it. This effect persists until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes.

Together forever, buddy.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Motorcycle
Minor Action Personal
You and your rider may both spend a healing surge, make a saving throw, and gain +2 to all defences until the end of the encounter.


Easy Rider
Requirements: Motorcycle Form Class Ability
When in motorcycle form you can use your rider's score for any Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, or Stealth with a +2 feat bonus.

Spite Fire
Requirements: Motorcycle Form Class Ability
Your Speed increases by 1. While in Motorcycle, when charging or running you gain +3 power bonus to your speed.

Rider and Bike Co-operation
Requirement: Motorcycle Form Class Ability
When transforming on difficult terrain, your rider gets a +4 power bonus to any saves necessary to land properly.

Bike Caster
Requirements: Motorcycle Form Class Ability
Benefit: In motorcycle form you can use powers without the motorcycle keyword, provided they have the implement keyword. You still gain enchantment bonus of your implement.

Racial Motorcycle
Requirements: Motorcycle Form Class Ability
Benefit: You can use racial powers while in motorcycle form. However you are still bound by the limitations of being a motorcycle.

Acolyte of the Road
Requirements: Charisma 13, Living Construct

You gain: Trained in Arcana, one Motorcycle at will power you can use as an encounter power. and the motorcycle form class power.

Motorcycle form:
At-will Minor
You take on the form of your motorcycle self, freeing you of your bipedal form.

While in motorcycle form your speed is doubles, you become a large creature, and are able to drive yourself, as well your strength is considered doubled for considering carrying capacity on all levels, in addition you are considered a quadruped. If knocked unconscious, you can still be driven, but with proper checks from the driver. In this form you only bale to use powers with the Beast and Motorcycle keyword. As well feats that effect the Druid's beast form can be used to enhance your motorcycle form.

When in Motorcycle form you can be ridden as a mount, using either you or the rider's initiative, whichever is higher. However, Both rider and mount get separate Standard and minor actions, taken in order of digression of the two.

When a power calls you to switch between modes, it is assume the rider is doing some sweet flip or something and will once again land on your back at the end of the attack, requiring a moderate DC Athletics or Acrobatics check if done of difficult terrain.

As well, while you still benefit from equipment in motorcycle form, you are considered unarmed for any attack made in motorcycle form.

Also you can not shift while in motorcycle form, as you're a motorcycle, they can't really move like that.
Special: Can only use once per turn.

And a Magic weapon!

Bike Blades Level 2+
Level 2 +1 Level 17 +4
Level 7 +2 Level 22 +5
Level 12 +3 Level 27 +6
Weapon: Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Axes, Hammer
Enchantment: Attack rolls and Damage rolls
Critical Property: +1d6 damage per plus
Property: You are considered wielding these even in Motorcycle form.

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