Named so because "The Shootist" or something similar was dumber then 'Gun guy."
The gun guy is a ranged striker using, shockingly, gun. Though crossbows and such could be used, why th ehell would you? you're gun guy. I am open to the suggestion of new names, but as it stands, Gun guy.
Gun guy
Role: Striker. Your use of guns and shooting people have left you a great ability to kill people with guns. Good work.
Source: Technology. The new magic of Technology has given you great powers, Powers you can use to show the world. Show them all!
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Strength.
Armour Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Ranged
Bonus to defence: +1 Reflex, +1 Fortitude
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier
Trained skills: Thievery
From the list choose four: Nature, Dungeoneering, Streetwise, Endurance, Heal, acrobatics, athletics, Perception, Stealth.
Build Options: Handgun guy, Rifleman, shotgunner
Class features: Gun preference, Sniper, Faith in the gun
Gun preference:
Choose one of the following preferences
Pistol shooter: You gain proficiency with Light or heavy pistols, as well you add your wisdom modifier to your damage rolls. This increased to Wisdom modifier +2/+4 by tier.
Rifle guy: You gain proficiency with Light or heavy rifles, as well you add your constitution modifier to your damage rolls. This increased to constitution modifier +2/+4 by tier.
Shotgun!: You gain proficiency with shotguns, as well you can add strength modifier to your damage rolls made with shotguns. This increased to Strength modifier +2/+4 by tier.
Class ability
At-will Move
Instead of moving you gain a +2/+4/+6 bonus to hit, but grant combat advantage until the start of your next turn.
Faith in the gun
While conscious and holding a gun you gain a +2 faith bonus to your Will.
Gun Guy At will stances
You've learned hitting the trigger more shoots more bullets, faster.
At-will * Technology, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the double tap, until the stance ends you add an extra 1d4 to your damage rolls.
Special: Must be using a Light or heavy pistol to use this stance.
Proper Breathing
In one two, out one two
At-will * Technology, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You remember how to breath while firing a gun, as well to squeeze the trigger, not pull. Until this stance ends you get +1 to hit with any attack using a gun.
Called Shot
Second bullet, in the leg.
At-will * Technology, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You take the effort to hit certain spots on the human body, giving you additional effects. When making a basic attack with a gun you take a -2 to hit but can add one of the following to the attack: Slowed until the the end of the target's next turn, Weakened until the end of the target's next turn, Blinded until the end of the target's next turn, Target is knocked prone.
Long Range shooting.
Rifles can hit long distances, and with one, so can you.
At-will * Technology, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume a stance best for shooting at maximum distance for maximum effect, until this stance ends you make attacks at long range without penalty.
Special: You must be using a light or heavy rifle to use this stance.
Benelli Style
Now if we can do five, we can probably do six, so i'm going skip right ahead to seven.
At-will * Technology, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Shotguns shot shoot everywhere, making it hard to dodge. while this stance is in effect enemies do not benefit from partial cover or concealment against your basic attacks.
Special: Must be using a shotgun to use this stance.
Encounter power
Encounter * Technology, weapon
No Action Special
Target: enemy hit with attack
Trigger: you hit an enemy with a basic attack.
Effect: target takes an additional 1[w] from the triggering attack
Level 17: 2[w] extra damage
Level 27: 3[w] extra damage
Bleeding shot
Daily ✦ Technology,Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, no ongoing damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Shoot two guys
Daily ✦ Technology,Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Targets: Two creatures within 3 squares of each other
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC. Make two attack rolls, take the higher result, and apply it to both targets.
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Alright, i swear i'mma hit this guy.
Daily ✦ Technology,Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs AC. You may reroll the attack but must take the second result.
Hit: 3[w] + Dexterity Modifier damage. You may reroll each each damage die once but must take the second result.
Level 2 Utility Powers
Quick Reload
Encounter ✦ Technology
Minor Personal
Effect: you can reload your gun's magazine.
No No! You're doing it all wrong!
Encounter ✦ Technology
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Trigger: An ally within range that you can see or hear makes a skill check using a skill in which you’re untrained.
Effect: Grant the ally the ability to reroll the skill check, with a power bonus equal to your Strength modifier.
Talk to the Gun
Encounter ✦ Technology
Trigger: you make an Intimidation Check
Effect: you can use Thievery in Intimidation's place.
Level 3
Improved Powershot
You can now use it twice an encounter, but only one a turn.
Level 4:
Increase two abilities of your choice by 1
Level 5:
Expanded Shooting Style:
Pick One other Gun type you aren't currently proficient in. You gain proficiency with that weapon and in addition can add damage bonus from your previous shooting style to attacks made with this weapon as well.
Extra Gunguy Stance:
You can now have three gun gun stances, but only one active at a time.
Daily Powers:
That'll learn'em
Daily ✦ Technology, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a –1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
Too Close For comfort
Daily ✦ Technology, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs AC
Hit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed (save ends)
Miss: Half
Pew pew pew!
Daily ✦ Technology, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One, two, or three enemies.
Attack: Dexterity vs AC
Hit: 3[w] + Dexterity Modifier damage.
Level 6 Utility powers:
This way guys!
Encounter ✦ Technology
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy moves adjacent to you
Effect: You can shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Stand Still and let me heal you
Encounter ✦ Technology
Minor Action Melee 1
Effect: Target ally spends a healing surge.
Sweet comeback!
Daily ✦ Technology
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy attacks you
Effect: you shift one square and make a basic ranged attack.
Level Seven
Tricky Shot:
Your sweet skills let you do something truly impressive:
Encounter ✦ Technology
Standard Action Ranged Weapon
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs AC
Hit: 1[w] + Dexterity modifier damage. Make the a secondary attack.
Secondary Attack:
Target: a creature not yet hit with this power with in two squares of the last target.
Attack: Dexterity vs AC
Hit: 1d6 + Dexterity Modifier damage. Repeat this attack.
Miss: The attack ends.
Level 8
Pick two ability scores to increase by 1.
Level 9 Dailies
Bang bang bang bang!
Daily ✦ Technology, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One to four enemies in range.
Attack: Dexterity vs AC
Hit: 3[w] + Dexterity Modifier damage.
Right in the face!
Daily ✦ Technology, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged 1
Target: One adjacent enemy
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Hit: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Level Ten Utilities
I'm the fucking Terminator!
Daily ✦ Technology
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the encounter you treat pistols as if they had the off hand keyword, and rifles and shotguns as if they where one handed.
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