
MRE: Other Factions of the World

This is more going to be a running list of groups in the MRE Universe that in some matter interact with them. This will be likely updated from time to time as i think of new ones, simply so i have a single resource to pull from then try to check my notes all the damned times

Magic Research Society
 A coven of wizards, warlocks, witches, and occultists that got together at some point to try to work out the hows and whys of magic. They are a much closer knit group, and rather secretive. Completely self funded, and private they try to keep magic alive, but safe from the populace. As well as the public safe from magic. Nothing like one crazed dark wizard to ruin it for the rest of them. They have also been known to take young children who have a natural connection to magic, either training them to control it, or sealing their powers and returning them home, depending on the situation.

Not really an evil group, and are in no way seeking to have total control of magic, even going so far as publishing notes every few years (A resource the MRE makes constant use of), they aren't very good alligned either, looking out more for self interest then the good of all. However, they have assisted the MRE in every Titan Level Event they have faced to date, and are considered one of their best allies.

Fashion League International
A group of fashion experts and models, banding together to help all with issues of fashion. They aren't  the most useful of allies, but when you want to know if these boots go with this chainmail, it's hard to go wrong with these guys. As well some seem to be wizards, and might have larger goals then currently known.

The Order of The Black Lotus
Despite initial claims, they are in fact named after the playing card. A small group of world wide magic enthusiasts, they are sometimes a worth while knowledge resource. Able to study and catalogue wide births of information quickly, they act largely as an outsourced research team to both the MRE and MRS.

Largely useless in combat, despite claims of being excellent at strategy. Are rarely called unless there is research to be done.

The Witches of the White
A gathering of known fey humanoids, that have assisted the MRE int he past. They all have announced themselves as members of this guild, and wear a symbol similar to that of a white flower. Largely members met are elves and pixies, they have mentioned other species in their ranks, but none of been observed. Current motives are unknown, and largely not trusted however, at the time being they have proven to be steadfast allies in many fields including information gathering, research, and combat. And in fact, given some secrets of magic currently even unknown to even the MRS.

Magical Research Association 
Often thought of the "little brother" of the MRS, they are a conclave of wizards focusing largely on pyromancy, figuring if fire has worked this long why change strategy. Arrogant to a fault, they are willing to help others more readily then most groups, but  assume others have beyond a basic knowledge of magic, and become very dismissive when this is not the case.
When faced with a problem one of three things are done. First it is set on fire. If this does not work, then they use their less often used lightning, the only other kidn of evocation they seem to know, and once that fails they will abandon the project and call in a 'lesser' organization'
Most notable for their invention of a fire that burns everything. even other fire.

Occult Destruction Agency
While the MRE strives to maintain a level of natural preservation, the ODA simply destroys all that would disrupt the norm. Distrustful of magic, they have actually devised a sort of anti-magic which can be used to shut down most wizards and extra-dimensional beings. They also seem to be rather well funded for what amounts to be a super natural hit squad.
At odds with the MRS, but oddly seem to get along with the MRA, probably due to constantly forwarding them clean up jobs.

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