
Kongthf Urf

This is an campaign setting idea i have for 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons.

the basic idea is that one of the primordials didn't understand the dawn war (hard of hearing, kind of a jerk also) and instead wandered off, found earth and tried to use a dead world he found in his wnaderings to recreate it stealing from the 'core setting.'

It is intended to be a catch all setting that allows for basically any published material to be used. In tone it is supposed to appear and even do, light hearted romps of random misunderstanding, think a sitcom, but Joey is a level 7 fighter, and Ross needs help with the troll living in the apartment across the hall and he's only  a level 4 ranger.

Under this, is an attempted layer of horror. It is a world where cyborgs aren't too uncommon, roughly a fifteenth of the known population, and some of it related to how they came to be. Not all came to be cyborgs willingly, and even those who signed up didn't necessarily like the end product. Now driven mad, what will happen to them?

Nature is unnatural in this world. brought over from many different planes, and the nature spirits of th eonce dead world are confused and angry. As are the spirits attached to the stolen nature. Technology both as magic and how we know it, as now just as native as the threes, and creatures that once reflected the natural world, are also becoming mutants, mirroring aspects of the technological world. Urban dryads and the likes aren't just an idea, they're dangerous to everyone. 

Another theme is the idea that Kongthf Urf is connected to the core world still, and its mirrors the Feywilds, and Shadowfel. As well it is developing its own mirrors. a Kongthf Feywild has been set back due to the lack cohesiveness of nature, but the Kongthffel is coming right along.

As well, the dead world, is nto as dead as originally thought, and still has stories to tell its self. as tot he remains of its people. But those would be paragon teir things, the heroic tier, where i am still focused on) would be largley the new world, and how the normal peopel survive day to day in it.

Kongthf urf is at its heart me desiding there isn't enough modern fantasy things done in a manner i like. with fire arms, standign next to magic and elves, as well as the crazier aspects of fantasy and sci fi, it am hoping to fill a niche i invented, and can convince other people it should be filled.

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