S-blooded (standing in for Super natural blooded) is a class of humans who have taken it upon themselves to inject themselves with the blood of unearthly creatures.
The typical bloods used
Troll blood: this acts as a steroid, increasing muscle growth, applicable strength, endurance, and others, however, it tends to induce a rage effect, causing many users to go berserk.
Dragon Blood: this often increases strength, magic ability, and vision for the duration
Fey blood: increase to cognitive ability, generally seem more sociable, and magic ability, however tends to lace it with fey empowerment, causing it to be disrupted by tin.
Demon blood: Similar to that of fey blood, but more habit forming, and often leaves symptoms similar to that of a hang over.
When properly diluted, it a some what safe temporary steroid, less so, it is more powerful but has more risks attached. Taken pure, mutation is cause almost instantly.
As a subjects introduces the alien blood to their body, mutations usually take place, causing the subject to take on properties of the original creature. Some look at this as favourable, however it still makes them less human.
troll blood tends to be the most mutative, and more easily then any other result in the subject becoming a full blooded troll, requiring no outside source, other then a steady stream of troll blood. this often makes it a less desirable steroid, and when combined to the general degradation of mental health caused by the troll blood it is by far the most dangerous. However, it is used by those requiring some quick muscle, and the regenerative property of trolls makes it desirable, finding a way into some medic bags, as a last ditch medicine.
Dragon blood allows for greater feats of strength and magic, however, prolonged use will often result in the growth of scales, mutation of the eyes, granting better night vision, and eventually becoming something similar to the Dragonborn. Rituals exist to take such a persona nd turn them into a true half dragon, and with further blood use, into a full dragon, though often a mutt, unless the blood intact is checked to make sure it has been from one type of dragon. The transformation is far from painless, and in fact could be one of the most painful things know to the MRE. The stress the feeling of yoru body ripping its self apart tends to leave the subject mad for a long period of time, and its enraged state, tends to be fatal to all involved, even the new dragon.
Fey blood, tends to make one more charismatic, magically inclined, and fickle. However, fey blood is likely the second most mutative blood type, first noticeable int he subjects ears, but this is easily hidden. Fey blooded people also tend to be able to amp up power with what they call "fey infusion" this allows them to cast a more powerful spell at less drain, but leaves it as fey magic, and thus disreputable by tin. Too much fey blood will often result in the subject becoming an elf life creature, however, with proper ritual they can become a full blooded fey. However, the end result, often has little resemble to the previous subject, their mind now that of a fey, and even though they possess the old memories, they will often have a radically different outlook and personality. Some are able to over come this for a while, but so far all have retreated from the human world after such a ritual. Those who become elves willingly are often given positions of minor power within the fey community, acting as guard captains or envoys to the human world. Where as those who become full fey, are often given special roles, and have been recruited for a specif cause.
Demon blood there is less known about, as those encountered with this alfiction are considerably evil and dealt with. however it does resemble fey blooded in some ways, but seems to make the subject mor eprone to demonic possession. As such this is widely suggested against as it is largely unknown.
Typically the MRE treats the S-blooded with suspicion, however several top agents and contact team members are of mix blood, but have proven to be trustworthy, or have had this state thrust upon them when they would have not chosen this.
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